B081 keenwi081bcs2006 Latitude 33.711167 Longitude -116.714167 Elevation 1467 m Install Date 2006-06-16 Processing Information Manufacturer: GTSM Technologies Manufacturer Gauge Scale Factor: 0.1 nanostrain per digital count Manufacturer Areal Scale Factor: 1.5 Manufacturer Shear Scale Factor: 3.0 Manufacturer Gauge Weightings: CH0=1, CH1=1, CH2=1, CH3=1 CH0 Orientation recorded in field = 3.2 degrees east of north Borehole Trend Models, y=F+A1*exp(T1*t)+M*t+A2*exp(T2*t) Gauge F A1 T1 M A2 T2 CH0 -19.480 25.850 -0.00150 -0.00130 0.000 0.00000 CH1 -36.110 51.257 -0.00162 -0.00040 0.000 0.00000 CH2 -37.270 54.160 -0.00158 -0.00410 0.000 0.00720 CH3 -12.300 24.722 -0.00270 -0.00518 0.000 0.00000 Barometric Response Gauge Response(ns/millibar) CH0 -1.8 CH1 -1.9 CH2 -1.9 CH3 -1.4 Tidal Constituants Gauge Tide Amp(ns) Phase CH0 M2 7.3 19.7 CH0 K1 13.1 7.2 CH0 N2 -0.2 3.3 CH0 O1 21.7 6.6 CH0 P1 -1.4 3.8 CH0 S2 15.5 10.4 CH1 M2 -9.6 15.0 CH1 K1 -27.7 7.0 CH1 N2 -3.8 4.1 CH1 O1 -26.6 3.9 CH1 P1 -34.3 3.8 CH1 S2 -7.3 6.1 CH2 M2 150.0 6.4 CH2 K1 -36.3 5.1 CH2 N2 163.2 2.1 CH2 O1 -5.9 3.5 CH2 P1 -36.8 3.1 CH2 S2 143.6 3.7 CH3 M2 49.7 6.3 CH3 K1 -1.8 6.2 CH3 N2 132.6 0.8 CH3 O1 14.2 6.2 CH3 P1 -11.7 3.5 CH3 S2 52.9 4.1 Strain Matrices To Compute Areal and Shear Strain from Gauge Strain Manufacturer's Isotropic Strain Matrix, C=1.5, D=3.0, Gauge Weights=1, Orientation = 3.2 0.296 0.519 0.296 0.222 -0.382 0.148 0.323 -0.089 -0.086 -0.339 0.222 0.204 PBO Tidal calibration , Preliminary 0.051 1.415 0.898 0.723 -0.394 0.344 0.611 0.319 0.030 -0.490 0.265 0.331