HIGH RATE LEVEL 2 BOREHOLE STRAINMETER DATA For each event there is one tar file per strainmeter. Within each tar there are five gzipped files, one for each gauge (CH0,CH1,CH2 and CH3) and one for tensor strain. File Name Convention: BNUM.CH0.event.txt.gz BNUM.CH1.event.txt.gz BNUM.CH2.event.txt.gz BNUM.CH3.event.txt.gz BNUM.tensor.LAB.event.txt.gz BNUM refers to the 4-character ID, e.g., B004 and "event" refers to the event name. E.g., B001.CH0.20130105_Alaska.txt.gz File Format The format for the CH0, CH1, CH2 and CH3 files is: Column Decscription Units Column 1 DateTime UTC Column 2 RawStrain digital counts Column 3 LinearStrain microstrain Column 4 Interplation of missing values microstrain Column 5 Predicted tide microstrain Column 6 BarometricCorrection microstrain Column 7 BarometricPressure millibars Column 8 PorePressure millibars Column 9 Version generation date The format for the tensor strain file is: Column Decscription Units Column 1 DateTime UTC Column 2 Eee+Enn microstrain Column 3 Eee+Enn_tide microstrain Column 4 Eee+Enn_Interp Interplation of missing values microstrain Column 5 Eee+Enn_baro microstrain Column 6 Eee-Enn microstrain Column 7 Eee-Enn_Interp Interplation of missing values microstrain Column 8 Eee-Enn_tide microstrain Column 9 Eee-Enn_baro microstrain Column 10 2Ene microstrain Column 11 2Ene_Interp Interplation of missing values microstrain Column 12 2Ene_tide microstrain Column 13 2Ene_baro microstrain Column 15 BaroPressure millibar Column 16 PorePressure millibar Column 17 Version generation date Column 18 TiltX microradian Column 19 TiltY microradian BNUM.tensor.LAB.event.txt contains lab calibrated data. The null value is 999999. If 1-sps barometric data are available it will be given otherwise there will only be 30 minute interval data. Pore Pressure and tiltmeter data are only available for a subset of sites. See http://pbo.unavco.org/network/soh_map for instrument locations. The "Interpolation" columns contained interpolated values to replace the null values. This column should be substracted from the linear strain to remove the null values. Barometric, pore and tiltmeter time-stamps have been rounded to the nearest second. For more information on data products contact hodgkinson@unavco.org . Jan 17 2018